martes, 30 de junio de 2009


Task 7


Click on and you’ll watch an interview between a TV presenter and the director of the film Night at the Museum 2: the Battle of the Smithsonian

Listen to the interview and choose the correct answer.

1. Where was the movie set?
A. In the Smithsonian Museum
B. In Washington, the USA
C. In Vancouver, Canada

2. What’s the set like according to the film director Shawn Levy?
A. Quite good
B. Pretty awesome
C. Very nice

3. What’s the main difference between Night at the Museum 1 and Night at the Museum 2 in the director’s opinion?
A. Creatures that come to life
B. The love story between Amelia Earhart and Larry Daley
C. More visual effects

4. Where does the scene in which Ben and Amelia takes off happen?
A. In the National Air Space Museum
B. In an old shipyard
C. In an airport

5. In Night at the Museum 2, Shawn Levy acted as ……. to help Stiller’s imagination.
A. the space monkey
B. the T Rex
C. the Security Guard

Write your answers in 'comentarios'! The answer key is going to be published on Monday 6 July.

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