martes, 30 de junio de 2009


Task 5

1) Before reading the text, match the following terms with their definitions.

Your answers are going to be considered as an assignment. Deadline: Monday 6 July. You must email them to me.

1. rehearse
2. script
3. shoot
4. cast
5. crew
6. set
7. mic
8. stage
9. print

a. all the people who act in the film
b. what somebody tells you about your performance. If you are doing well or badly.
c. microphone
d. make a copy of the film scene
e. area where actors perform
f. to make a film
g. group of people with special technical skills that work for the film production (sound, light, special effects, assistants)
h. practise for a performance such as a film or a play
i. the furniture and scenery in the studio where the film takes place
j. a piece of writing that tells about the film story.
k. a short piece of action in a continuous process for a film.

2) Read the text and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F)

Click on and you’ll be able to read the article called Rehearsing on a Set written by a Film Director

Note: DOP stands for the Operator and AD stands for Assistant

1. Only the actors take part in the rehearsal
2. When rehearsing, actors should be told about marks on the set and camera positions.
3. At the beginning of the rehearsal process actors should follow technicians’ instructions according to lighting and positions.
4. Once the first full rehearsal is finished, the director shoots the scene.
5. The writer always gives actors notes on movements during the scene.
6. It is after the second rehearsal when the crew calls Finals and the director starts shooting.
7. Generally the first take is printed
8. It is advisable to give feedback to actors discuss changes with operators after the first take.
9. If everything goes well, you are going to make a copy of the second take
10. You give one print to the editor and he selects the takes of the shot for you.

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