martes, 30 de junio de 2009


Task 3

Now, answer the following questions. Write your comment to this entry.

Your comment is going to be considered as an assignment. Deadline: Friday 3 July

1. What kinds of films do you like?
2. What is your favourite film ever? Why?

Write the asnwers in 'comentarios'!

5 comentarios:

  1. 1. I like thrillers and love stories.
    2. I really like "How to lose a guy in 10 days" because it is a love story but it is also a comedy.

  2. I really like thrilles and action films. For me, the best film is "The Da Vinci Code" because is an excellent trhiller with a lot of action, and that is an very good combination

  3. I love comedy and horror films. I like movies which have a confusing ending. My favourite film ever is "Titanic", I think everybody have ever seen it. I have seen it a lot of times, I like the story of this movie. An other film which I love is "Back To The Future".

    Juan Ignacio Antegiovanni

  4. 1- I like all kind of movies 'cause they always has something interesting to show us and i also like going out to the cinema with friends!If it seems good i will sure check it out ;)
    2- Until now... TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen might be the best 'cause it has it all! The sounds, the explotions, the shoots, and of course, the giant robots with all of their cannons and weapons coming from the inside! JUST EPIC!!! B-)

  5. 1. I like a musicals and romantic films too.
    2. My favourite musical is Mouline Rouge, because I love all songs and the story is very interesting. And my favourite romantic film is Titanic. Is one of the classics
