martes, 30 de junio de 2009


Task 4

Read the following excerpts from movie reviews and match each of them with the film it is about:

a. James Bond: Casino Royale
b. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
c. Titanic
d. The Incredibles
e. Mamma Mia!

1. Pixar’s animation talents appear to double in quality every year. Now tackling the difficult challenge of the range of human expression and movement, the studio’s work is beyond reproach. The movie doesn’t try for photo-realism in its character, everyone in the film is a sort of rubbery caricature, inspired by classic comic books and retro design. This works very well on the whole:

2. And maybe that speaks to the power of the film. When the ship is launched on its maiden voyage, you can feel the splendor in the theater. When it bangs against the iceberg and starts to sink, you can feel the death in the air. When all that's left is ocean and darkness,
you shiver in your seat with the dying.

3. … We know the trained assassin's drink of choice, his preferred mode of transportation, and his willingness to invoke the hard-earned license to kill when dangerous situations arise.But familiarity has bred contempt for a spy that hasn't exploded movie theaters since the Cold War concluded. A change was long overdue. …- the secret agent was racing across frozen ponds in invisible sports cars and windsurfing on waves created by a melting glacier. Realism isn't a quality we associate with Bond, yet these adventures had become too ridiculous for even 007's standards.

4. It is the worst-directed "good" movie ever. If it wasn't for the effervescent charms of ABBA's sparkling songs, and the brave earnestness of the uniformly superb cast, it would be an unbridled disaster. No matter her impressive theatrical résumé, director Phyllida Lloyd is the song and dance version of Uwe Boll. Her choices behind the lens are so shockingly bad, and her grasp of cinematic language so surprisingly weak, that you wonder how amazing this movie would have been had someone with a modicum of moviemaking skill shown up to take control.

5. If this were any other movie, it would have had the most horrible, over-long, dumb-sounding title in history. If this were any other movie, I’d have been laughing at all the wrong places. If this were any other movie... well, this isn’t any other movie, is it? Far from it. The most anticipated movie, some say, since Gone With the Wind, and when a screen of blue text reading “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...” gets enormous applause, that’s hard not to believe.

Write the answers in 'comentarios'!

5 comentarios:

  1. 1-The Incredibles
    3-James Bond: Casino Royale
    4-Mamma Mia!
    5-Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

  2. Here there are the answers:
    1. d
    2. c
    3. a
    4. e
    5. b

    Congratulations Betania and Agustina!

  3. I can´t do it if the answer are there :[

  4. Even if the answers are there, i will do it anyway!!!

