martes, 30 de junio de 2009


Task 9

Now, considering the model above, write a review about the film you described in Task 6 on a separate document.
Write your review and email it to me. Deadline: Wednesday 8 July


Task 8

Writing: A Film Review

Read the review below and answer the questions below. Pay attention to the phrases in bold types.

(This review has been taken from the book Successful Writing Upper-Intermediate by Virginia Evans, 2006)

Dennis the Menace

Dennis the Menace is a comedy set in a quiet American neighbourhood: Mason Gable plays the lead role as Dennis, the 8-year-old mischief-maker who manages to catch a thief. Walter Mathau is Mr Wilson, the man who lives next door to Dennis. (1)

A thief steals gold coins from Mr Wilson and, as he’s running away, he spots Dennis hiding in Mr Wilson’s garden. Dennis is snatched by the thief and their adventure begins. Dennis is not the least bit frightened and drives the thief mad with his constant talking. Soon he discovers that the thief has Mr Wilson’s gold. The film reaches a humorous climax when Dennis ties the thief up and hands him over to the police. Mr Wilson then sees Dennis in a different light. (2)

The cast is excellent, and young Mason Gable surely has a bright acting career ahead of him. The film is full of hilarious scenes as it successfully portrays children’s natural curiosity in a comical way. (3)

Dennis the Menace is a film well worth seeing. Children of all ages, as well as adults, will love this charming story. It is a highly entertaining film which is sure to be one of the year’s biggest hits. (4)

1. Did the writer like the film?
2. Where was the film set?
3. Who are the actors?
4. What type of film is it?
5. What is the film about?
6. What is the writer’s opinion about actors and climax?
7. In which of the paragraphs are we told about the plot?
8. In which of the paragraphs are we told about the actors and setting?
9. In which of the paragraphs are we told about the cast?
10. In which of the paragraphs are we told about the writer’s recommendations?
Write the answers in 'comentarios'!


Task 7


Click on and you’ll watch an interview between a TV presenter and the director of the film Night at the Museum 2: the Battle of the Smithsonian

Listen to the interview and choose the correct answer.

1. Where was the movie set?
A. In the Smithsonian Museum
B. In Washington, the USA
C. In Vancouver, Canada

2. What’s the set like according to the film director Shawn Levy?
A. Quite good
B. Pretty awesome
C. Very nice

3. What’s the main difference between Night at the Museum 1 and Night at the Museum 2 in the director’s opinion?
A. Creatures that come to life
B. The love story between Amelia Earhart and Larry Daley
C. More visual effects

4. Where does the scene in which Ben and Amelia takes off happen?
A. In the National Air Space Museum
B. In an old shipyard
C. In an airport

5. In Night at the Museum 2, Shawn Levy acted as ……. to help Stiller’s imagination.
A. the space monkey
B. the T Rex
C. the Security Guard

Write your answers in 'comentarios'! The answer key is going to be published on Monday 6 July.


Task 6

What film have you seen recently? Did you like it? Why/ Why not?

Use the information below to answer the questions

Name of the film you have seen:
Type of film:
Star(s): (actors/actresses)
Story theme: (what the story is about)
Acting (actors’ performance) (powerful, poor, excellent, satisfactory)
Plot (The series of events in the film) (dramatic, gripping, confusing, (un)predictable; thrilling, unbelievable, highly entertaining)
Characters (well-developed, predictable, weak)
Recommendation (waste of time and money) (not to be missed)

Write your answers in 'comentarios'!


Task 5

1) Before reading the text, match the following terms with their definitions.

Your answers are going to be considered as an assignment. Deadline: Monday 6 July. You must email them to me.

1. rehearse
2. script
3. shoot
4. cast
5. crew
6. set
7. mic
8. stage
9. print

a. all the people who act in the film
b. what somebody tells you about your performance. If you are doing well or badly.
c. microphone
d. make a copy of the film scene
e. area where actors perform
f. to make a film
g. group of people with special technical skills that work for the film production (sound, light, special effects, assistants)
h. practise for a performance such as a film or a play
i. the furniture and scenery in the studio where the film takes place
j. a piece of writing that tells about the film story.
k. a short piece of action in a continuous process for a film.

2) Read the text and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F)

Click on and you’ll be able to read the article called Rehearsing on a Set written by a Film Director

Note: DOP stands for the Operator and AD stands for Assistant

1. Only the actors take part in the rehearsal
2. When rehearsing, actors should be told about marks on the set and camera positions.
3. At the beginning of the rehearsal process actors should follow technicians’ instructions according to lighting and positions.
4. Once the first full rehearsal is finished, the director shoots the scene.
5. The writer always gives actors notes on movements during the scene.
6. It is after the second rehearsal when the crew calls Finals and the director starts shooting.
7. Generally the first take is printed
8. It is advisable to give feedback to actors discuss changes with operators after the first take.
9. If everything goes well, you are going to make a copy of the second take
10. You give one print to the editor and he selects the takes of the shot for you.


Task 4

Read the following excerpts from movie reviews and match each of them with the film it is about:

a. James Bond: Casino Royale
b. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
c. Titanic
d. The Incredibles
e. Mamma Mia!

1. Pixar’s animation talents appear to double in quality every year. Now tackling the difficult challenge of the range of human expression and movement, the studio’s work is beyond reproach. The movie doesn’t try for photo-realism in its character, everyone in the film is a sort of rubbery caricature, inspired by classic comic books and retro design. This works very well on the whole:

2. And maybe that speaks to the power of the film. When the ship is launched on its maiden voyage, you can feel the splendor in the theater. When it bangs against the iceberg and starts to sink, you can feel the death in the air. When all that's left is ocean and darkness,
you shiver in your seat with the dying.

3. … We know the trained assassin's drink of choice, his preferred mode of transportation, and his willingness to invoke the hard-earned license to kill when dangerous situations arise.But familiarity has bred contempt for a spy that hasn't exploded movie theaters since the Cold War concluded. A change was long overdue. …- the secret agent was racing across frozen ponds in invisible sports cars and windsurfing on waves created by a melting glacier. Realism isn't a quality we associate with Bond, yet these adventures had become too ridiculous for even 007's standards.

4. It is the worst-directed "good" movie ever. If it wasn't for the effervescent charms of ABBA's sparkling songs, and the brave earnestness of the uniformly superb cast, it would be an unbridled disaster. No matter her impressive theatrical résumé, director Phyllida Lloyd is the song and dance version of Uwe Boll. Her choices behind the lens are so shockingly bad, and her grasp of cinematic language so surprisingly weak, that you wonder how amazing this movie would have been had someone with a modicum of moviemaking skill shown up to take control.

5. If this were any other movie, it would have had the most horrible, over-long, dumb-sounding title in history. If this were any other movie, I’d have been laughing at all the wrong places. If this were any other movie... well, this isn’t any other movie, is it? Far from it. The most anticipated movie, some say, since Gone With the Wind, and when a screen of blue text reading “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...” gets enormous applause, that’s hard not to believe.

Write the answers in 'comentarios'!


Task 3

Now, answer the following questions. Write your comment to this entry.

Your comment is going to be considered as an assignment. Deadline: Friday 3 July

1. What kinds of films do you like?
2. What is your favourite film ever? Why?

Write the asnwers in 'comentarios'!


Task 2

Match the pictures with their corresponding genre

a. Epic

b. Adventure

c. Thriller

d. Love story

e. Drama

Write the answer in 'comentarios'!


Task 1

How much do you know about movies? Try these quizzes on the BBC webpage.

Click on and you’ll see.

Write your comment to this entry!

Useful Resources

In case you need to look up some words, you can use the following online dictionaries.

They are easy to use! Just click on the hyperlink and you'll find the site!


This is our virtual classroom from now onwards.
Here you'll be able to find activities, links to other webpages, interactive activities and useful resources.
I hope you can take profit of it and enjoy it as well. This is another way of keeping up with your work!
Remember that you can add any comment you think it is useful for you and your partners. Try to use as much English as possible in your comments. It's a good way of improving your English.

Don't be scared of making mistakes! We're all learning!